How do we rate the bags we test ? Quite simply : we have a list of criteria to which we give a score out of 10, and then we do the average. We chose these criteria for their objectivity. Nevertheless, there will always remain a part of subjectivity, often inexplicable, related to the experience with the product. That’s why we also consider your feedback ! So do not hesitate to let us know.
Usage ./5
Features and organization :
Does the bag have several inside and outside pockets ?
Are they easy to access and visible ?
Are they scratch or zip ?
Is the bag easy to use ?
Is it convenient to open and close, store, clean ?
Ergonomics :
Does the bag have compression straps and enough adjustments ?
Is its back studied for marry the body shapes and / or to let circulate the air ?
Does it have a belt and / or a sternal strap ?
Has it been designed to be used in movement ?
Basically, is it comfortable ?
Waterproofness :
Does the bag completely or partially protect your stuff from the rain ?
Abrasion resistance :
Is the bag designed to be resistant to abrasion and wear ?
Tear resistance :
Is the bag designed to be resistant to tears and cuts ?
Technics ./5
Fabrics :
Are the fabrics used of good quality ? Eco-friendly ?
Suitable for the bag’s features ?
Do we know their manufacturer and their origin ?
Accessories :
Are the buckles, clips, straps, scratches and serigraphs used quality ?
Can we know their manufacturer and their origin ?
Merging and stichting :
Are fabrics and accessories properly assembled ?
Seams properly placed and reinforced ? Are the most stressed areas of the bag reinforced ?
Innovations :
Is the bag made of innovative and differentiating materials or accessories ? Has its weight been optimized ? Is its use and features innovative ?
Manufacturer warranty :
How far does the manufacturer’s warranty extend ? How long ?